Non-breakable Space Story

I’m quite fond of this new fashion, that is, displaying the language of a page after the link. This can be done by using the content property generating, well, err… content in that manner:

a[hreflang]:after {
content:" ["attr(hreflang)"]"; 

What I was a bit frustrated by was that this text between brackets was sometimes sent back to a new line, which is, IMVHO, a bit of a disgrace, typographically speaking – or maybe it’s just another French national sport, caring for the line breaks. English-speaking people don’t even bother thinking of where to hyphen a word.

Browsing through the W3C recommandation, I found out that you were allowed to put Unicode-coded escape sequences. That just suited my needs; my code looks now something like:

a[hreflang]:after {

As far as I can see, it works just fine. With Mozilla, that is.


Don’t Shoot the Ambulance, Verdana’s driving

I don’t quite understand why so many people keep complaining about Verdana. It has helped many a designer to create their design.

Down the Garden to Have A Fair Look

Since I keep reading rants about Verdana, I had to make sure: I went onto to lead a survey in order to know what typefaces were used… has become a somewhat good reference in web-designing when dealing with CSS (because apparently the anti-Verdana fight on this field). I browsed through the contributions, one by one, looked for the font used, and at what sizes. And there is no doubt. Verdana is still on the lead:

Use of fonts in CSS Zen Garden
Font name Number of Uses
Verdana 21
Georgia 13
Arial 12
Times / Times New Roman 4*
Trebuchet MS 3
Tahoma 3
Geneva 1
Lucida Grande 1
Courier 1

*(1 using browser default settings)

A good surprise, the designs made with Times in very tiny sizes do look good: see #41 and #45.

The survey in itself has been quite a laborious task: spotting the font used is damn easy; but then, when you want to find the sizes used, you sometimes to go through a whole lot before finding what you want. The “style” of size-setting range from “0.65em/1.3em” to “10px/1.4em” via “13px/140%”. Very often, I didn’t even bother finding the size, that was just too tedious a task.

What’s Wrong with Verdana, then?

The anti-Verdana are right: it’s not available on every system. It is very often not present on Linux platforms and the replacement font is in majority Arial. The problem is that a 75%-reduced Verdana looks fine. An Arial doesn’t.

The real problem, then, really is the size. I found some time ago a good article about that in The Noodle Incident, from which I excerpted this below:

“So I want two things from a text sizing method: that it present my choice
across the main browsers, but still be resizeable to respect people’s needs
and different hardware.”

I think alike.

A Linux user is quite entitled to complain to see tiny characters. But somehow, the Web designer chose some fonts – because it suited his website design, main audience, etc. As far as he’s concerned, his task is to provide ways to resize the size of the text if the reader feels the need to increase it.

The Linux user (let’s carry on with this example) has then several ways to work around this issue:

  • find Verdana somewhere;
  • write a user stylesheet which will replace the designer’s one (just about its role: overriding the designer’s choices);
  • resize the text.

I know this sounds terribly against accessible sites. The thing is the font problem is a never-ending story. Unless a universal font is created, both easy to read in small sizes and pleasing to the eye, no proper solution can be found but using Arial or Helvetica. But you know what? I don’t have Helvetica on my computer. That being said, Microsoft tried to create those fonts: they’re called Verdana and Georgia (by Matthew Carter & Tom Rickner). I can’t think of any similar success.

What’s Wrong with Arial, then?

For the same x-height, everything (Typeset in Arial).

For the same x-height, everything (Typeset in Verdana).

There’s no need to be an expert to say that Verdana in the example above is much more legible than Arial because it’s wider for roughly the same x-height (l’œil, in French). By the way, it would have been just about the right place to use font-size-adjust, wouldn’t it?


National Novel Writing Month

Here we go! I’ve decided I’d be part of the craic, even though the crazy goal of reaching 50,000 words in a month is quite head-spining. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave everything else aside to write my novel…

Well, so far, I’ve written… em… let me count… 4 words. But a thrilling start, I can tell you!


<i>Libération</i>’s New Layout

The French paper Libération changed its layout on October 13th. I had not had the occasion to take a look at it, but on Friday, I just couldn’t resist: I had to buy it just to see…

Well, first thought, “here we go, another paper which tried to get a trendy look, website-like”, which, in my eyes, is a somewhat negative thought. Sans-serif fonts have invaded the pages (a bit too much for my humble tastes), Minion has been given up (I really love the ‘Q’, ‘j’ and ‘y’ in this typeface) and replaced by something thicker with an ugly ‘3’ and lots of fantasy typefaces. I am also going to miss Matrix Script which I had got used to…

Matrix Script Sample

Then I saw the headers and sighed… Le Monde has no reason to worry yet. The whole thingy looks like it’s been done to please the young reader – quite okay with me, except that it seems to me that I’m not in the target – and to keep an eye on the Internet. Well, just a slight detail: there’s no hyper-text link in a paper… But, hey, they managed to insert a review for a porn on DVD.

One good thing, though, the Gotham font, by the Hoefler Type Foundry, looks quite good in any size, especially the Gotham Condensed Book and Medium characters.


The Scribe and the Longhorn

Microsoft is really teasing us with Longhorn and I am really getting impatient. I must say I was not really enthiusastic about Microsoft products so far, influenced by hearsay as well as the “Big Willy” position of MS. That being said, having worked with .Net for quite a while, I think it’s getting in the right direction. I’ve worked for quite a while with Java and I think I’m rather objective when I write such a thing. Of course, there are some drawbacks which can be very painful, but it really gets easy to have things up and running.

Anyway, back to the point, Longhorn has thought of typography. It provides through XAML in Avalon elements to support “quality typographic presentation to the user”. The Typography class gathers properties to provide typographic features, such as StandardLigatures.

The whole lot is based on OpenType, developed jointly by Adobe and MS in a cross-platform perspective – OpenType fonts can be used on Mac. It is based on Unicode, thus providing a greater support for world’s languages and ligatures and real small-caps.

With such a support, the question is: will it be used in its full strength? I cannot imagine developers, who are not even aware of the existence of ligatures in this world, getting worried about ligatures or small-caps. They are the ones today who don’t even see there’s something wrong with a quote such as “ ‘ ”.


On the Edge, Staring at the Bottom

People now begin to stare at each other with suspicion and every strange move is immediately interpreted: the figure has just been dropped as a bombshell, confirming all the rumours which were running wildly through the halls. The grapevine has once again proved its strength and accuracy.

171. Kind of figures you hear everyday on the news which tended to sound as remote and boring as a war on the other side of the planet. But when you start to consider you might be the 1 in 171, you start to wonder. And to shake.

Next, names will appear on a sheet of paper, or at the top of a somewhat brief email. People will start receive their letter thanking them for their valuable contribution (“Well done, but better do it elsewhere, now, you’d be so kind”) and the lengthy process of finding a new job will begin rather soon.

The question now? Well… Who?


Spammers Find Their Way Through Blogs

Spammers had quickly found their way through our mailbox. Then came anti-spam tools appeared, allowing the Goods to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Today, as blogs quickly spread, spammers follow the trend and post their “insightful” contributions onto this new type of sites, adding their insidious messages in the list of comments. Movable Type, the very popular publishing system, is badly hit and has recently published an article praising Jay Allen’s MT Blacklist plugin, also mentioned on Luke Hutteman’s blog, SharpReader’s author.

Forums like phpBB are also hit as has been le Sauna: extraneous subscribers were appearing lately, all with email addresses whose domain was “” and linking to a website proposing interesting products such as pregnancy tests. The answer was rather simple but not perfect: ban every user whose email address finishes with “”. The door is still open to any other spammer to come and try to subscribe to the forum. Luckily enough, those users cannot post messages without their profile being validated before hand.

As an active member of “Cut spammers’ balls off” association, I can only applaude to Jay Allen’s move, even though I don’t use Movable Type (yet) and encourage any move in that direction.


Typographical Orgasm

Since I’ve begun this blog, I keep wondering who the f*** would be interested in the constant spilling of topics only interesting for their author. Well, at least, I am, and that’s more than enough. Let’s say this blog’s fate is to become my scribbling pad to which I’ll refer when I need my notes…

I’ve just had a typographical orgasm. That’s something rather violent but really good: the reactions subsequently go from “Waaoowww!” to “How come I didn’t come across such an idea before?” That’s what has just happened to me as I was browsing through my wanderings led me to Speak Up and the feeling overcame me immediately.

First contact: “Waaoowww!” Plain, whitespace is given back its proper rights, pictures don’t deface the whole lot but fit in there just perfectly, light textual contents – note for myself : 11px/18px in Georgia – easily readable and enjoyable thanks to the magnificent and well-thought layout – traditionnal 3-column layout. The typeface for the titling looks grand in small sizes: I wonder what this one is… Its caps version looks stylish for the title. And the fleurons (Is that the name?) are just lovely.

Conclusion, still for myself: keep learning, you little crap, you might get to something like that some day!




Brand New Look for “A List Apart”

A List Apart is “back” with a brand new design, according to! Terrific!

To be frank now, I’ve never heard of it since I’m only beginning to deepen XHTML and CSS matters with a real shovel, but as the whole community seems to shake with excitement, I had to follow the great lumpen of people where the author starts to feel embarrassed.

Nice design but the fact that I’m not a big fan of MS Trebuchet tends to spoil the ecstasy I should feel. The colours are however harmonious, with a painting-like banner and a logo which is really really well done: the typeface is just perfect, conveying modernity as well as rigour and plainness, reflecting the spirit of XHTML and CSS.

I’m no expert to comment the contents as a Dave Shea might do, but I’m somewhat pleased to see a “Typography” section. And dead pleased to see that Dean Allen, whom I’ve already mentioned within this mess, has contributed to it, since his site is still a reference to my eyes.


Read Regular, a New Typeface for Dyslexics

A Dutchwoman, Natascha Frensch, has released a new typeface designed to be read by people with dyslexia and called Read Regular.

Based on the accentuating of differences between letters dyslexics tend to confuse, Read Regular proposes a different shape for letters like ‘b’ and ‘d’ instead of flipping the ‘b’ to get a ‘d’ and uses large openings for letters like ‘a’ and ‘o’. Ascenders and descenders are extended and no serif is added to prevent the reader from visually “closing&rsdquo; the shapes. It also uses a relatively large hinting to create space around the letters, especially for Read Space.

The PDF presenting the font shows an example of Read Regular typeset in 10pt/14pt and 8pt/12pt: the result is quite nice and certainly more pleasant than Comic Sans, which was regarded as a good candidate for typesetting texts for dyslexics, because of its assymetrical shapes.

The next step will be to make this typeface widely available so that it can be used on websites, for example: I’m pretty sure it would look very good on screen. It would be interesting to know if Natascha Frensch has made tests in web pages… I’d be one of the first to use Read Regular, that’s for sure!


Thank God for SharpReader!

I’m kind of reading-addicted. Everything which can be read will be read, as my voracious eyes wander around in the desperate hope of finding anything! I often have to yell them back.

In this struggle to keep my eyes steady but fed, RSS appeared to me as the panacea when I discovered it onto Textism, a site I keep coming onto because of its spirit, pleasantness, plainness (those two last ones are somewhat related)… and just a ’cause!

But so far, I was using an ugly Java application called RSSViewer… I really cannot figure out why it has to be so bad-looking. It kind of works cough cough, why not use this working cough cough again programme as a basis to write a somewhat more attractive application?? I just simply cannot get it. I’d do it myself if I had the time to do so, but, well, thank you but no, thank you.

Anyway, I was a bit fed up to see a DOS console being launched every time my computer started, so I began to search for… something else. And I came across SharpReader which simply does it. And nicely. And quickly. I shall order my troups to build a statue to Luke Hutteman, who wrote this programme in .Net. Now, my crave for info is going to be satisfied in a wonderful and simple way.


Comparison of Popular Fonts Online

I’ve been looking for such a study for quite a while and I finally came across this one, which begins to be old craic (2 years-old): Usability News.


In this study, though effective reading times are not any different according to fonts, the perceived legibility is best with Courier, Comic, Verdana, Georgia and Times. Surprisingly, there is no difference serif vs. sans serif, even if it has to be pointed out that the tests have been done with the same size for fonts (12 points).

Personality and Elegance

Fonts such as Bradley and Corsivia are the fonts perceived as conveying “personality”, leaving Times far behind, probably because lots of sites were still typeset in Times at that time. Comic, strikingly follows right behind, and is regarded as the most “fun and youthful”: righteo, that’s its aim, even if this font tends to unfortunately spread like a bad joke on serious websites.

Even more puzzling is the fact that Courier gives a somewhat business-like appearance to a website, together with Times. Whereas this is easily understandable for Times, Courier’s perception is rather hard to figure out.

General Preference

And the winner is… Verdana! No wonder. On screen, it does look better than any other font. Next follow Arial and Comic, two other sans. Sans serifs do not alias like serifs on screen and do appear much nicer. And the 4th one is Georgia, which does look good on screen two and is spreading quickly on new websites. Georgia being the first serif font, we have the classic pairs in today’s design, Verdana and Georgia, or Arial and Georgia.

Those two fonts, Verdana and Georgia have been designed by Matthew Carter and Tom Rickner specifically for the Web. Verdana has indeed very round letter-forms, along with a somewhat large inter-letter spacing that makes it an easy font to read. Georgia is announced by Microsoft as being the “serifed counterpart of Verdana” and therefore works damn well with it.

However, I really should think of carrying these tests myself, as recommanded by the article. Maybe wait until WebFonts is coming out to really have a genuine overview of what users want. And need.



About Ireland

About CSS and Web-designing

About typography


The Font with My Name

A font that carries my name: here’s the news to make my day. It can be seen on Storm Type Foundry Web site,

Five different weights, each with italics, small caps along with italics. The font is authored by František Štorm and is very pleasing to the eye. It also provides a fair amount of arrows, certainly as a tribute to the way the saint carrying the same name died as a martyr.

Those characters are going to join the already fantastic family Serapion II.


How to Scare Your Employees’ Pants Off

The method to make a company go from bad to worse is somewhat straightforward. First things first, spread rumours implying that the company loses money. Loads of it. That way, employees who have worked hard will feel relieved to see that their efforts are useless: whatever the amount of work, money won’t get in.

Next, send random people, that no one knows, in the offices to take measures. Order them to remain silent. They just look, try to spot the network plugs, look again, nod thoughtfully and mutter: “We’ll put the machines there”. “There” being the place where you’re sitting right now, the atmosphere thereby created will be all the more tensed. In the following hours, rumours will spread even better and people will gather, being non-productive and puzzled. And a bit scared as well.

The chairman must then send an email to all employees, letting dangle in the air that redundancies are expected according to the Board meeting. Write also that you cannot say anything, just mention redundancies. That’s all. The effect will be tremendous: people will shit their pants off and stop working.

The method does work. It’s somewhat smelly around here today…


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